Injured In Pennsylvania? Beware What You’re Posting On Facebook, Twitter. A Word Of Warning From The Injury Attorneys At MyPhillyLawyer

April 17th, 2024

Accident victim researching personal injury lawyers on her laptop

By Dean I Weitzman, Esq.


At MyPhillyLawyer, We Stand Up Against Insurance Companies And Fight For The Injured

Social media is part of everyday life. At MyPhillyLawyer, we maintain a blog, make status updates on Facebook and Tweet regularly. We understand that social media is a common way to communicate with others – whether you’re having a good day, a bad day, or are sick or injured.

We also understand that when something happens – a car accident, a workplace injury or even a slip and fall – your first instinct might be to post about it on a social media website. But, as experienced personal injury attorneys who fight for the rights of injured people throughout Pennsylvania every day, we urge you to think twice about what you are putting on the information superhighway.

Take a moment to review your privacy settings. You may have more than just your friends and family following you. More and more, insurance companies are searching for injured people on social media and using posts and updates to deny coverage or to limit coverage because of a perceived admission of guilt or fault by the injured person.

Insurance companies have admitted to snooping on social media accounts of their insureds, claiming that they are trying to root out fraud and keep everyone’s premiums low. But, photos, posts, updates and tweets can easily be misconstrued by an insurer who is looking to avoid paying valid claims.

Photos found on Facebook were used to stop one injured worker’s work comp payments. He was shown relaxing at a beach with some friends while collecting workers’ compensation for a shoulder injury. He had to take his case to an appeals board to have benefits reinstated. In the meantime, surgery to repair his workplace injury was delayed and wage benefits were stopped simply because an insurance company jumped to the wrong conclusion because of a social media post.

Talk to an attorney first. At MyPhillyLawyer, our injury attorneys have a reputation for achieving results for our clients. With over 100 years of combined experience, we know that insurance companies find many reasons to deny valid claims for compensation. Don’t be a reason that your claim is denied. Be careful of what you are posting on Facebook, Twitter or other social media site.

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