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What to Know About Pa.’s ‘Steer Clear’ Law and How It Can Save Lives

In Pennsylvania, there’s a law on the books – the “steer clear” law – which says drivers must move over or slow down as they approach an emergency scene, a roadside vehicle stop by police or a disabled vehicle being aided by a tow truck or other emergency vehicle. The problem is that few drivers…
OOpioid Maker Ends Opioid Promos to Doctors, But More Actions Needed

Opioid Maker Ends Opioid Promos to Doctors, But More Actions Needed

Purdue Pharma, the maker of the powerful and addictive painkiller OxyContin, announced Feb. 9 that it will no longer directly promote its opioid drugs to doctors. That means that instead of commission-driven Purdue Pharma salespeople pitching doctors to write prescriptions for their drugs, information about the company’s opioids will be handled through its medical affairs department, rather than through the sales department.
Court Radio

Court Radio: Cindy Bass and the Drug Epidemic

This week on Court Radio, Dean Weitzman of MyPhillyLawyer speaks to councilwoman Cindy Bass about a controversial safe-injection site and the ongoing opioid crisis in Philadelphia. Later, Dean take questions from callers about these drug issues.
Court Radio

Court Radio: Tax Laws with Anita Conner

This week on Court Radio, Dean Weitzman of MyPhillyLawyer speaks to Anita Conner, CPA, about the new tax laws and how it will affects Americans. Later, Dean and Anita answer legal tax questions from callers.

$2.75M Settlement to Man Seriously Injured by Falling Streetlight Pole

A man who suffered serious head injuries when he was struck by a falling streetlight as he walked through Philadelphia’s Chinatown neighborhood in 2015 has reached a $2.75 million settlement with two defendants in the case. The victim, Xue Ping Gao, was hurt on April 23, 2015, as he walked at 10th and Apple streets…

$40M Jury Verdict to Delaware County Family in Birth Injury Case

A $40.3 million medical malpractice verdict has been awarded to the family of a 6-year-old Delaware County girl who suffered a spinal injury at birth in 2011 at Delaware County Memorial Hospital. The child, Grayson Charlton, and her twin sister were delivered at the hospital on March 2, 2011, according to a Jan. 25 story…