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Court Radio: Current Legal Issues
Court Radio, Podcast
|On this episode of Court Radio, Dean Weitzman of MyPhillyLawyer answer legal questions from callers and interview doctors from Forever Young Spa.
Shafted: Congress Strips Consumers of Their Rights to Sue Banks
MPL News
|American consumers should be outraged by the latest late-night shenanigans from the Republican-controlled U.S. Congress, which recently struck down an Obama-era rule that would have given consumers the right to band together to sue banks and other financial institutions for irresponsible behavior. The rule, which was created under the Obama administration in response to the…
Court Radio: Bail Reform
Court Radio, Podcast
|This week on Court Radio, Dean Weitzman of MyPhillyLawyer talks to Rep. Jordan Harris about criminal justice reform. Later, Dean speaks to Devrin Washington and Candace McKinley of the Philadelphia Community Bail Fund about bail reform and the inequities of using cash bail.
Court Radio: Workers’ Comp with Jeffrey Gross
Court Radio, Podcast
|This week on Court Radio, Dean Weitzman of MyPhillyLawyer and attorney Jeffrey Gross answer workers’ compensation questions from callers.
Court Radio: Forever Young Med Spa
Court Radio, Podcast
|This week on Court Radio, Dean Weitzman of MyPhillyLawyer answer legal questions from callers, and later speaks to the owners of Forever Young Med Spa about his “sculpture” procedure.
$17M Settlement for Worker Paralyzed in Construction Site Incident
Court Radio, Law in the news, Law you can use, Legal Knowledgebase, Legal Updates, Personal Injury, The law and you, Work Injuries
|A former masonry company truck driver who was severely injured as he was making a delivery at a N.J. construction site in 2015 has reached a $17 million settlement with the manufacturer, the owner and the seller of a boom lift which broke suddenly and caused his injuries. Brian Smith, who was 42 at the…