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$9M Settlement to Woman Hurt in Crash with a Distracted Truck Driver
MPL News
|A 44-year-old woman who suffered a traumatic brain injury in 2015 when her vehicle was struck by a truck whose driver was distracted and falling asleep has reached a $9 million settlement with the company that owned the truck. The plaintiff, Deanne Crews, alleged in her lawsuit against Advanced Drainage Systems that its driver, 71-year-old…
$7.5M Settlement to Bicyclist Left Paralyzed by Faulty Sidewalk
Court Radio, Law in the news, Law you can use, Legal Knowledgebase, Legal Updates, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Personal Injury, The law and you
|A California bicyclist has been awarded a $7.5 million settlement after he was left a quadriplegic in 2014 when his bicycle crashed and overturned on a displaced sidewalk joint that was raised four inches by a tree root on a public street. The victim, William Yao, was riding his bike south on Reseda Boulevard in…
Court Radio: NFL Protest
Court Radio, Podcast
|This week on Court Radio, Dean Weitzman of MyPhillyLawyer answer legal questions from callers and talks about the NFL protests.
$4M Settlement in Deaths of Calif. Couple Struck by Sheriff’s Car
Court Radio, Law in the news, Law you can use, Legal Knowledgebase, Legal Updates, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Personal Injury, The law and you, Wrongful Death
|The families of a California couple who were killed in 2013 when the SUV they were riding in was struck by a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department vehicle that was speeding through an intersection will receive a $4 million payment to settle their wrongful death lawsuit in the case. The victims, Sara Paynter and Robert…
Court Radio: Spousal Support with Irena Shiloh
Court Radio, Podcast
|This week on Court Radio, Dean Weitzman and Irena Shiloh of MyPhillyLawyer talk about spousal support, and answer questions from callers about divorce, custody and any matter regarding family law.
$42M Verdict to Car Crash Victims After Improper Auto Repairs
Court Radio, Law in the news, Law you can use, Legal Knowledgebase, Legal Updates, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Personal Injury, The law and you
|A Texas couple has been awarded a $42 million jury verdict after they were severely injured in a 2013 car crash that was worsened due to improper techniques used to repair their car after it had been damaged previously by a hail storm. The couple, Matthew and Marcia Seebachan, were on their way to visit…