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Motorcyclist Death Rate on U.S. Roads Increases Again: Enough Already
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|Riding a motorcycle is fabulous. The freedom, the lure of the open road, the beauty of being one with the weather, with the earth, with the world, are all incredible attractions of this enjoyable sport. For some riding a motorcycle is just a way to get to work or school, while for others it is…
Man Receives $2.45 Million Settlement After His Arm is Amputated at Work
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|Five years ago, a Reading, Berks County man was working as a temporary employee in a Berks County recycling plant when he attempted to clear a paper jam in a shredding machine by reaching in to remove the jammed paper. But as he reached in with his left hand to remove the clog, a co-worker…
Building Fire Deaths Must Spur Us All To Remember Fire Safety
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|Every hour, every day across the United States, a house or business fire breaks out, causing injuries, deaths and property loss. On April 24, a man died when his rowhouse in the 1200 block of South 46th Street went up in flames, according to a story in The Philadelphia Inquirer. The house had no smoke…
The War on Drugs: My Take
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|Hello Friends, Rarely do I personally engage in promotion of myself or my enterprises. Those of you who know me personally know that I am somewhat private and am uncomfortable in the spotlight I often find myself in. Despite all of that I must urge each of you to rise early this Sunday morning and…
$5 Million Settlement for Family of Construction Worker Crushed to Death in Excavation Collapse
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|A 42-year-old Reading construction worker was doing his job, working in an excavated trench where a house foundation was being built, when it collapsed suddenly and trapped him against a concrete wall, causing fatal injuries in June 2009 in Berks County. Almost four years later, the man’s family has reached a $5 million settlement with…
What Women Need to Know About Vaginal Mesh Surgery Complications
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|Every year, thousands of women undergo surgery to correct a medical condition known as pelvic organ prolapse (POP) – when the cervix, uterus, bladder or other reproductive organs slip down into the vagina due to the weakening of pelvic muscles. To treat such patients, surgeons often have turned to surgical mesh products that allow the…