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Driver alert: How “joint and several liability” insurance changes brewing in the PA legislature could hurt your legal rights
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|Call your local elected officials and strongly voice your opposition to these changes Today in Pennsylvania, you and your family are well protected if you are involved in a multi-vehicle accident, even if one of the other parties is inadequately insured. Under current law, the full amount of damages can be sought and awarded from…
Incorrect medical diagnoses: devastating effects on victims and families
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|When you go to a doctor for medical treatment, you expect that your illness will be properly diagnosed and treated. That, however, isn’t always the case. Medical misdiagnosis is a frequent source of lawsuits on behalf of patients who have suffered, been grievously injured or died after incorrect medical diagnoses that led to the wrong…
Improperly calibrated Breathalyzer machines harm the innocent and let the guilty go free
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|Imagine you are stopped by the police for suspected drunken driving and you submit to a Breathalyzer test. That evidence, whatever it determines, will be used against you in court, so it had better be right. But what if it’s not right – what if the police used a Breathalyzer unit that wasn’t properly calibrated…
MyPhillyLawyer’s Dean Weitzman to be inducted as a member of the Philadelphia Martin Luther King, Jr. Association for Nonviolence Inc.
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|Dean I. Weitzman, the managing partner of MyPhillyLawyer, will be inducted today as one of nine new board members for The Philadelphia Martin Luther King, Jr. Association for Nonviolence, Inc. Weitzman and the other new members will join the group’s board in ceremonies at the offices of Herman J. “Pete” Matthews, president of AFSCME District…
Spring safety: it’s that time of year again on our roadways
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|With the weather gradually getting nicer and warmer in the Delaware Valley, it’s time for us all to remember springtime safety. We all need to be more conscious of all the motorcyclists, bicyclists, runners and walkers who are again showing up in force on area roadways. More and more children will be outside playing with…
Highway safety and speed cameras: what you need to know
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|It’s a never ending cat and mouse game – drivers speed and police look to catch them in the act. In the last several years, though, police in some locales around the U.S. have gained a crafty new tool – high-tech video “speed cameras” that can take photos of speeding vehicles. Those photos are then…