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What to do if you are injured in a workplace accident
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|Every day, people across the U.S. are injured in workplace accidents, in factories, in retail stores, in construction sites and a myriad of other locations. They’re injured by defective equipment, unsafe procedures, faulty building designs, vehicle accidents and in many other ways. And when they are hurt, the most critical steps they can take are…
Philadelphia gas main explosion that killed a utility worker highlights a string of recent incidents across the nation
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|Just two weeks ago, a 19-year-old Philadelphia Gas Works employee was killed in the Tacony section of the city when a 12-inch gas main exploded as he and other PGW workers were investigating a reported gas leak in the neighborhood. In December, two people were killed in Wayne, Mich., when leaking natural gas from a…
Power line dangers: Life and death decisions and their legal issues
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|There are always dangers lurking around us, even in our own backyards. Many of those dangers are around us all the time, such as high-power electrical lines that fill our neighborhoods. A recent case in San Bernardino, Calif., underscores the dangers of power lines and the amount of caution we all need to maintain around…
Facebook, your insurance company and social media – your insurance company may be watching what you post online
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|Do you think that what you say on Facebook can’t hurt you legally? Think again Here’s a scary little scenario: You’ve been in an accident and you are home recuperating and undergoing physical therapy. You are working hard to rebuild your health and life while suffering through the pain and anguish of your injuries. Then…
MyPhillyLawyer Attorney Profiles: Dean I. Weitzman talks about being a legal advocate and about his dedication to his clients
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|Attorney Dean Weitzman is the public face of MyPhillyLawyer’s lively, catchy, full-color advertisements on billboards, buses and on TV in the Philadelphia area. He’s also out in the public eye as the host of an hour-long Court Radio show on legal issues every Sunday morning on WRNB-FM 107.9, helping local residents by talking with them…
Legal matters: “I (heart) boobies!” bracelets, school students and free speech
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|As Americans, our right to individual free speech is so important that it’s listed first in our U.S. Bill of Rights and as part of the First Amendment in our U.S. Constitution. It is sweeping – it covers even violent or angry speech. But it does have its limits – you don’t have the legal…