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Parents: Lessons learned from the daycare center fire that killed 3 children in Houston

It was a parent’s worst nightmare – a kitchen fire broke out in an in-home child daycare center in Houston, Texas, this week, leading to the deaths of three children and serious injuries to four other youngsters. The home was filled with smoke as firefighters scrambled to rescue the children, ranging in age from 18…

Red light cameras: safety boon or police revenue enhancer?

In communities across the U.S., red light cameras in highly-traveled intersections continue to cause controversy. Are they great devices that help to save lives by making drivers less likely to speed through intersections against red lights, knowing that they can be ticketed and subject to hefty fines? Or are they revenue-enhancing tools used by police…

Juries are being picked via Facebook?

What this could mean in your legal case and what you need to know A new trend in courtrooms across the nation includes searches being done by prosecutors and attorneys on Facebook and other social media sites of prospective jurors who are being polled for possible selection for juries in a wide range of civil…

Protecting yourself from insurance “bad faith”

We’ve been trained as consumers to believe that if we’re injured in a vehicle accident, our insurance company – the one that’s been collecting all of our costly premiums for coverage – will be there to help us in our hour of need. Sadly, though, it doesn’t always work out that way. Sometimes, it turns…

Stop the bans on cameras and video in hospital birth rooms

Last month, a Maryland family was surprised when they weren’t allowed to take photographs or video images of the birth of their newborn daughter in a hospital delivery room until the baby had been delivered safely and permission was granted by the medical team. Unknown to the family, the hospital had adopted rules banning all…

What to do if you are injured in a workplace accident

Every day, people across the U.S. are injured in workplace accidents, in factories, in retail stores, in construction sites and a myriad of other locations. They’re injured by defective equipment, unsafe procedures, faulty building designs, vehicle accidents and in many other ways. And when they are hurt, the most critical steps they can take are…