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Hospitals that make sick people sicker: hospital-acquired infections continue to be a big risk for patients
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|Being a patient in a hospital can help extend your life through excellent medical care, but at the same time, hospitals can be one of the most dangerous places to get a life-threatening infection that can complicate your treatment. A new state report from the Pennsylvania Department of Health concludes that 25,914 patients undergoing surgeries…
Your family and the law: Be on guard against scams unleashed by thieves who prey on the elderly
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|Behind almost every news event, there seems to always be some scammer who is trying to find tricky ways to steal money from unsuspecting elderly victims. We read about examples like this almost every day in the newspaper. Older people get visits at their front doors from someone who says they won a contest and…
Planning For Bike Routes Equals Safer Roads For All
Motor Vehicle Accidents
|As gas prices have risen and fallen dramatically over the past several years, more motorists have traded their keys for bikes and helmets, for at least a few trips each month. As more bicycle riders take to the streets, the dangers of biking on roads built for motorized traffic increase. In the greater Philadelphia area,…
Summer Safety: Sharing the Road with Bicycles and Motorcycles means Being Careful
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|With the warm, lovely weather of summer upon us, it’s a great time to remind drivers that we’re sharing the road with others who aren’t wrapped protectively in vehicle cocoons of steel, plastic and rubber. Thousands of others are out there on the roads with only two wheels on bicycles and motorcycles and are much…
Summer Safety: Don’t forget playground safety
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|Playgrounds are fun – at home, in a public park, at camp or on private property, but at the same time, they can be dangerous. We here at don’t want to ruin your summer, but it’s a good idea to at least be thinking about playground safety at this time of year. You want…
PA Governor Proposes Highway Cameras to Identify Uninsured Drivers
Motor Vehicle Accidents
|Drivers in Pennsylvania are required to carry automobile insurance. Unquestionably, this is important to protect the interests of drivers and passengers on the roads. Insurance coverage ensures that when an individual is responsible for a car accident, those harmed by the accident are not forced to deal with the financial consequences alone. However, a recent…