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$2 Million Verdict for Victim in Vaginal Mesh Implant Case in West Virginia
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|A West Virginia woman has been awarded $2 million in damages after she suffered severe pain, bleeding and bladder spasms following vaginal mesh implant surgery back in 2009. And even more powerful, the woman’s devastating injuries and the tragic case are just the tip of the iceberg. There are some 8,000 similar lawsuits pending against…
The Right Move: U.S. Aims to Finally Reform Overly Harsh Drug Sentences
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|In the United States, there is a higher percentage of people incarcerated behind prison bars than in any other nation in the world. Yes, many of them are murderers, rapists, muggers and other dangerous, hard-core criminals. At the same time, though, many are also non-violent, low-level drug dealers who have been imprisoned for long stretches…
Why Medical Malpractice “Reforms” Hurt Patients and Benefit Insurance Companies
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|Supporters of medical malpractice reform have for years pointed to huge court verdicts to plaintiffs and rising insurance rates for doctors as two prime reasons for why such reforms are needed. The problem with those claims, though, is that they are just not true. Yet these lies and innuendo continue because those are the messages…
Maryland Repeals Its Death Penalty: Pennsylvania and Other States Must Follow Maryland’s Lead
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|Maryland became the 18th state to repeal its death penalty on May 2, after Gov. Martin O’Malley signed a long-awaited bill to rid its criminal code of capital punishment, according to a story in The Baltimore Sun. O’Malley had supported the repeal since 2007 and failed in a previous attempt to overturn the law in…
The War on Drugs: My Take
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|Hello Friends, Rarely do I personally engage in promotion of myself or my enterprises. Those of you who know me personally know that I am somewhat private and am uncomfortable in the spotlight I often find myself in. Despite all of that I must urge each of you to rise early this Sunday morning and…
What Women Need to Know About Vaginal Mesh Surgery Complications
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|Every year, thousands of women undergo surgery to correct a medical condition known as pelvic organ prolapse (POP) – when the cervix, uterus, bladder or other reproductive organs slip down into the vagina due to the weakening of pelvic muscles. To treat such patients, surgeons often have turned to surgical mesh products that allow the…