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Montgomery County Man Awarded $4 Million Verdict After Errant Cyst Surgery

In July of 2009, 29-year-old Jeffrey Hierholzer of Hatboro, Montgomery County, went in to his doctor’s office to have a cyst removed from his neck. Shortly after the surgery, however, he began feeling pain and weakness in his shoulder near the site of the cyst surgery. In a decision handed down Aug. 22, a Montgomery…

MyPhillyLawyer’s Court Radio Expands to 2 More Radio Stations

MyPhillyLawyer’s four-year-old “Court Radio” show, which is broadcast at 7 a.m. ET every Sunday on 100.3 FM in Philadelphia, is now expanding to two additional radio stations starting this Sunday, Sept. 8. The call-in radio show, which features listeners asking questions about their legal concerns and problems involving a wide variety of scenarios, has been…

$2 Million Verdict for Victim in Vaginal Mesh Implant Case in West Virginia

A West Virginia woman has been awarded $2 million in damages after she suffered severe pain, bleeding and bladder spasms following vaginal mesh implant surgery back in 2009. And even more powerful, the woman’s devastating injuries and the tragic case are just the tip of the iceberg. There are some 8,000 similar lawsuits pending against…

The Right Move: U.S. Aims to Finally Reform Overly Harsh Drug Sentences

In the United States, there is a higher percentage of people incarcerated behind prison bars than in any other nation in the world. Yes, many of them are murderers, rapists, muggers and other dangerous, hard-core criminals. At the same time, though, many are also non-violent, low-level drug dealers who have been imprisoned for long stretches…

Drunk Driver and Two Philadelphia Bars Being Sued Over Death of Pedestrian

The family of a 22-year-old woman who was killed in March 2012 when she was struck by a vehicle being driven by a drunk driver in South Philadelphia is suing the driver and two bars for damages under laws that exist to hold bars responsible for the conduct of their patrons who have been drinking…

Think Again If You Think You Have Enough Auto Insurance

Vehicle accidents happen every day, often injuring people who have done nothing to contribute to causing the accident which has ensnared their lives. Victims are injured when other cars crash into their vehicles, or when others accidentally run them down on sidewalks or in a myriad of other tragic ways. Yet learning after such an…