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DUI Driver and Bar Sued by Widow of Philadelphia Cop Killed in Wrong-way I-95 Crash

Philadelphia Police Officer Brian Lorenzo was simply riding home from work on his police motorcycle early in the morning July 8 on northbound I-95 near Cottman Avenue when he was hit head-on by a car being driven the wrong way on the highway. The high-speed impact of the crash as the southbound car struck Lorenzo’s…

Parent Alert: Child Car Seats Have Expiration Dates – What You Need to Know to Protect Your Children

Parents often pass along their children’s car safety seats to be used by others as their children outgrow them. That may seem like a kind practice, but it turns out to be a very unsafe idea. Car seats actually are manufactured with a finite lifespan in mind and include a sticker that lists an expiration…

Post-Tonsillectomy Complications Led to Child’s Brain Injury, Jury Awards $1.2 Million Award

With their 11-month-old son regularly having breathing problems while he slept, his parents took him to a doctor for help. After a detailed sleep study to learn what was ailing the baby, the doctor then recommended and performed surgery to remove the baby’s tonsils and adenoids. Following the surgery, however, the infant stopped breathing while…

Injured During Job Interview, Fall Victim Receives $8.25 Million Settlement

Across the U.S., falls are the leading cause of worker fatalities in the construction industry, according to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) in the U.S. Department of Labor. About 150 to 200 workers are killed each year and another 100,000 are injured in falls at construction sites, the agency says. Not all such…

Work Zone Crash Kills 6 in NY: What We Can Learn From Such Tragedies

A tractor-trailer barreling down a work-congested highway in upstate New York failed to slow down and smashed into several vehicles July 19, killing six people and leaving lots of questions about what happened. The tractor-trailer caused a chain-reaction collision that prompted an SUV to burst into flames and at least two other vehicles to be…

Penalties Now Higher in N.J. for Distracted Drivers Involved in Crashes While Using Hand-Held Cell Phones

Drivers in New Jersey should be forewarned – a new rule just signed into law adds operating a motor vehicle while using a hand-held cell phone to the list of contributing factors that can lead to criminal charges of reckless driving if you are involved in a vehicle accident. The new legislation “toughens penalties against…