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Court Radio: New Methods of Fighting Gun Violence in Our Cities, tune in at 7 a.m. Sunday

Finding effective ways to sharply reduce gun violence in our cities is the aim of a national “CeaseFire” program that spread to Philadelphia last July. On “Court Radio” at 7 a.m. tomorrow, Sunday, Marla Davis Bellamy, the director of Ceasefire Philadelphia, the latest of 12 U.S. cities to host the effort, will be our special…

My Transvaginal Mesh Is Defective. Now What?

“It is very painful to walk and even to sit upright.”“I get serious cramps along the walls of the vagina. They wake me from sound sleep.”“My bladder has to be flushed every week because I have an ongoing infection.”“I’m afraid the mesh has gone into my organs, the pain is so bad.” These are the…

Life Insurance Companies Reach Settlements For Failing to Pay Beneficiaries

Imagine buying a life insurance policy to protect your family if something should happen to you, and then imagine that your insurance company fails to notify your beneficiaries that they have money coming to them when you die. That’s what has been happening across the United States when insurers haven’t always been doing all they…

$4.2 Million School Bullying Settlement A Reminder of the Dangers of Violence Against Students

A single punch to the stomach in a horrific case of school violence by a bully and the life of a 12-year-old boy was turned upside down back in May, 2006. Within two days, the punch caused a blood clot in a major artery, causing a blockage and leaving him paralyzed from the waist down,…

N.Y. Construction Crane Accident Fatality Underscores Workplace Dangers

The death of a 30-year-old Burlington, N.J., construction worker earlier this month at a New York City worksite was a stark reminder of the real dangers that construction workers face every day on the job. The man was killed when a construction crane being operated near him became dislodged from its base and crashed to…

Court Radio: Talking About PA’s Controversial New Voter ID Law – Should You Have To Show ID to Vote? Listen In 7 a.m. Sunday

When voting in elections in Pennsylvania in the past, all you needed to do was to show up at the polls, give a poll worker your name and address, and sign your signature on a voter registration list before getting your credentials to cast your ballot. Not anymore. As of last month, the Republican-led state…