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If you’re hurt at a sporting event, is the stadium or team liable?

What those liability disclaimers on the back of your ticket really mean If you’ve ever read the back of an admission ticket for a sporting event, including a baseball, hockey, football or basketball game, you’ve certainly seen all the legal disclaimers that say that you accept the risks of attending and don’t hold the team…

Holiday death toll on our highways isn’t just a number – those statistics are real victims

Let’s all remember to be careful out there on the roadways as the unofficial start of summer begins Across the United States, the Memorial Day holiday weekend began last Friday and hundreds of thousands of motorists took to the highways and roadways for vacations, cook-outs, family gatherings and more. Sadly, traffic accidents involving serious injuries…

The truth about medical malpractice cases in Pennsylvania: tort reform is not the answer unless you want to give up your rights

Pa. court report shows medical malpractice case filings down for 6th straight year.  Here’s what that means to you, your family and your legal rights Have you been hearing the hype from the Pennsylvania Legislature that more legal reforms are needed to protect doctors and hospitals from outrageous lawsuits in the world of medical malpractice…

Injured on the job? Time to call a lawyer to protect your legal rights

Every day, many thousands of workers are injured on the job in the U.S. and require medical treatment or hospitalization. And when those injuries occur, many times workers aren’t adequately covered by insurance or cared for by their employers. They are injured and then their legal rights aren’t protected because they don’t have someone who…

Swimming pool season is here: are the pools that your family swims in safe?

Increase the safety of your family and guests and reduce your legal liability The unofficial start of summer – the Memorial Day holiday weekend – isn’t even here yet and already there have been 37 drownings and 38 near-drownings across the U.S. so far this year, according to government statistics. That’s a lot of tragedies…

Legal update: Contaminated pastries from Rhode Island bakery kill two, dozens sickened

What you need to know about your legal rights when it comes to commercially-prepared foods and protecting your family from foodborne pathogens Two elderly people in Rhode Island have died since March and dozens of other people have been seriously sickened due to apparent Salmonellosis infections after they ate pastries from a bakery that didn’t…