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MyPhillyLawyer’s Dean Weitzman to be inducted as a member of the Philadelphia Martin Luther King, Jr. Association for Nonviolence Inc.

Dean I. Weitzman, the managing partner of MyPhillyLawyer, will be inducted today as one of nine new board members for The Philadelphia Martin Luther King, Jr. Association for Nonviolence, Inc. Weitzman and the other new members will join the group’s board in ceremonies at the offices of Herman J. “Pete” Matthews, president of AFSCME District…

Spring safety: it’s that time of year again on our roadways

With the weather gradually getting nicer and warmer in the Delaware Valley, it’s time for us all to remember springtime safety. We all need to be more conscious of all the motorcyclists, bicyclists, runners and walkers who are again showing up in force on area roadways. More and more children will be outside playing with…

Highway safety and speed cameras: what you need to know

It’s a never ending cat and mouse game – drivers speed and police look to catch them in the act. In the last several years, though, police in some locales around the U.S. have gained a crafty new tool – high-tech video “speed cameras” that can take photos of speeding vehicles.  Those photos are then…

Personal injuries happen everywhere: Be sure to protect your rights

Every minute, every day, someone is injured across this country. People are killed or injured seriously in vehicle accidents, they’re hurt in falls in workplaces or in public places, and they’re hurt in a wide range of incidents that we don’t even think about until it happens. In Barnesville, Minn., a 51-year-old man was killed…

Constant workplace safety vigilance can prevent workplace tragedies, such as the student death at Notre Dame

Last October, a 20-year-old college student at the University of Notre Dame died when a hydraulic lift he was standing on was blown over by strong winds as he videotaped an outdoor college football practice from high above the field and players. Following an investigation into the incident and death, a recently-issued report from the…

What you need to know about wills and estates: A MyPhillyLawyer primer

Do you have a will written in case something should happen to you? Have you carefully written down details for what should happen to your property and assets in the event you die? If something should happen to you, will your family know that they don’t have to add worries about what will happen to…