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Racial profiling suit filed in Philadelphia, but the problem persists across our nation

It’s 2010, and still across the United States, people are stopped by police for no other reasons than the color of their skin or that they’re in the wrong place at the wrong time. The problem is that police departments and cities across the nation still insist on stopping people based on “profiles” of observable…

Airport body scanners, security, privacy and you

The introduction last week of the first full body security scanners in Terminal F at Philadelphia International Airport means that air travelers here will have more decisions to make in balancing convenience, privacy and personal security when they fly. The full body scanners – which produce detailed images that allow Transportation Security Administration (TSA) personnel…

Birth injuries and your legal rights

The birth of a child is a joyous and wonderful event as a new life comes into the world and into our lives. Sometimes, though, complications and medical errors can arise, with catastrophic consequences for a family. Doctors can make critical mistakes, hospitals and nursing staffs can introduce errors in patient care and other problems…

Your children are playing sports: Is their safety equipment protecting them?

Serious injuries, including concussions, have been occurring more and more lately in football games from the pros to colleges to youth football leagues across the U.S. A junior at Rutgers suffered a spinal cord injury during a football game on Oct. 16, rendering him paralyzed from the neck down. Concussions during NFL football games have…

Medical misdiagnosis: What you need to know to protect your loved ones

When you go to a doctor because something isn’t feeling right, you should expect excellent care, diagnosis, treatment and ultimately positive results. But sometimes, the care that you receive is marred by mistakes by medical professionals, from misdiagnosed illnesses to conditions that are simply missed by doctors and hospitals. That’s when you need a lawyer…

What to do if you are injured in an accident: take notes, get witness corroboration and talk with a competent attorney

Life is uncertain, and accidents do happen. But if an accident happens to you and results in a serious injury, then you need to be your own best advocate and get the help and support that you need to collect damages for your medical bills, lost wages and for your pain and suffering. That means…