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Just say “no” to auto insurers who want to “watch” you while you are driving

Do you really think insurance companies are on your side? If you do, think again. Take Progressive Insurance for example. They recently proposed a plan in Pennsylvania where they’d offer you a 30% discount on your auto insurance – if you install a wireless monitoring device in your vehicle that would let them keep track…

Lessons from the fatal Duck Boat crash on the Delaware River

In just an instant last week, a pleasure cruise on the Delaware River turned into tragedy for a group of Hungarian tourists who were seeing the sights off the Philadelphia waterfront on a recreational “duck boat” tour. The duck boat – half-boat, half-on-road-vehicle – had entered the river to take the tourists on a cruise…

Just what we need: Wine vending machines and potentially more drunk driving in PA

Drunk driving was the cause of 11,773 traffic deaths across the United States in 2008, according to the latest available U.S. government statistics. Drunk drivers, on average, cause the death of another person every 45 minutes in the U.S., according to the group, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). So, of course, shouldn’t we make it…

Your Online Privacy – the whole world is watching

Just how much about your life are you divulging on Facebook, Twitter or MySpace or other social media Web sites every day? Well, here’s some sobering news: what you say on Facebook or any of the other sites could some day come back to haunt you in a legal proceeding from a divorce case to…
Prison yard

Incarceration of America

With a dwindling economy, individuals as well as local and state governments have taken a second look at their budgets. The Pennsylvania Department of Corrections takes up 4.9 percent of the General Fund for the 2009-2010 budget. Some proponents have advocated that the money that goes to locking up violent and petty criminals alike could…

Lessons learned from the 9/11 responder settlements

The Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on America happened almost nine long years ago and still the suffering goes on. Only now are legal settlements nearing for many of the first responders who were injured when they dove into carnage of the World Trade Center towers that day and in the months to follow, recovering the…