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Legal update: It’s about time — the Pa. State Police will no longer ticket people for cursing

As crazy as it sounds, until this week, you could be ticketed and fined for cursing in public in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania if your profane speech was overheard by a state trooper. In fact, the state police had in the past issued more than 750 such citations in one year to residents. Not anymore.…

MyPhillyLawyer TV ALERT… NOON E.T. TODAY … Dean Weitzman appears on Talk Philly on CBS Channel 3

MyPhillyLawyer TV ALERT… MyPhillyLawyer’s Dean Weitzman will appear at noon today on CBS TV 3’s “Talk Philly” news program to discuss the use and controversy surrounding the new full body scanning machines being installed in airports across the nation. Listen in with Dean and the show’s co-host, Ukee Washington, today at noon! We’ll post a…

MyPhillyLawyer Profile: Robert S. Nix brings a wide range of experience to MyPhillyLawyer

Another in an occasional series of behind-the-scenes profiles on the staff attorneys of MyPhillyLawyer Attorney Robert S. Nix joined MyPhillyLawyer in September – but it isn’t the first time he’s been with the firm. In fact, Nix, who has been practicing law for more than 13 years in the Philadelphia area, actually has returned to…

Police stun guns, legal liability and you

Police departments around the nation routinely use TASER and other brands of  “stun gun”  devices to temporarily disable suspects who are aggressive or combative when authorities try to arrest or question them. For police, the devices are seen as equalizers that allow officers to get the upper hand over dangerous suspects in difficult situations when…

Alcoholic energy drinks, the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board, legal liability and you

The PLCB asks retailers to stop selling Four Loko and other energy drinks containing alcohol and caffeine until health impacts are understood In an unusual move last week, the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB) asked every one of the 17,000 beer distributors, restaurants, bars and other organizations that sell alcoholic beverages in the Commonwealth to…

Racial profiling suit filed in Philadelphia, but the problem persists across our nation

It’s 2010, and still across the United States, people are stopped by police for no other reasons than the color of their skin or that they’re in the wrong place at the wrong time. The problem is that police departments and cities across the nation still insist on stopping people based on “profiles” of observable…