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How to stop the “flash mob” mentality

Two weekends ago, Philadelphia’s South Street residents, merchants and community suffered from yet another “flash mob” incident, where bands of teenagers summoned each other via cell phone text messages and social media Web sites including Twitter, Facebook and MySpace to hang out and get together. But as it’s happened in the past,  it was way…

Sexting update: Court rules teen girl can’t be charged with a felony

A U.S. Court of Appeals got it right recently when it ruled that a teenaged girl whose semi-nude photo was transmitted via a cell phone text message cannot be charged with felony child abuse charges. That was the correct decision in this so-called “sexting” case that got big headlines and showed just how ridiculous the…

Pennsylvania Medical Malpractice Stats Poke (Another) Hole in Tort Reform

Medical malpractice lawsuits are the talk of Washington, again, as President Obama seeks to reassure Republican lawmakers that he is willing to listen to them and consider their recommendations for fixing healthcare. For most of these Republican Senators and House Representatives, there is but one solution to our nation’s woes and that is tort reform.…

Damage caps on injury cases harm accident and medical malpractice victims a second time

Are you willing to give up your rights to be compensated fully for ALL of the damages caused by another? If you are injured in an accident, you can be sure that you want to recover every dollar you are entitled to for your treatment and for your pain and suffering. But insurance companies for…

Need a lawyer? Here are some helpful hints about how to select the right one

At some point in your life,  you will probably need to hire a lawyer. It may be for help when you are injured in a vehicle accident or fall, or if you are going through a divorce, tax dispute, criminal charges or custody or other legal issues.  It’s uncommon today if at some point you…

Gun rights on Main Street: more citizens with legal “open carry” guns is not the answer

You’re sitting in Starbucks having a coffee and relaxing when another customer walks in with a big, shiny handgun in a holster on his hip and heads over to the counter. Do you: A)    Hit the deck in the fear that there’s about to be a robbery? B)     Feel uncomfortable because of the menacing presence…