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Court rules that hormone replacement therapy plaintiff should not suffer due to statute of limitations

Patients who have sued in connection with serious injuries from hormone replacement therapies in the last decade just received a potentially promising ruling from the Pennsylvania Superior Court. In a decision handed down on Dec. 31, 2009 in the case Simon v. Wyeth, the court said that a two-year  statute of limitations that forced the…

Freed from prison after 35 years following DNA testing, James Bain to receive award at Philadelphia Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration

It took 35 long years for justice to prevail, but James Bain’s release from a Florida prison in December for a crime he didn’t commit will be celebrated this weekend at several events here in Philadelphia. Mr.  Bain, who was freed on Dec. 17, will receive the 2010 Drum Major Award for Criminal Justice from…

So you received a new power tool for the holidays? Let’s be careful out there

Electric hand tools are fabulous. They let you get building projects done more quickly and accurately, and they help you produce professional results and true satisfaction with a job well done whether you’re renovating your home, fixing a porch swing or building hand-made furniture. At the same time, though, they can be dangerous if used…

New LED traffic lights: are they accidents waiting to happen?

Fueled by the goal of drastically cutting their expensive electricity bills, cash-strapped municipal governments around the United States have been changing over from traditional light bulbs to new energy-saving light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in traffic lights at thousands of intersections.  But unlike “impact studies” that often have to be done for zoning, planning and road construction…

Winter snow and ice is here: be careful so you don’t get sued for having icy sidewalks

Now that winter officially began on Dec. 21,  two days after a powerful storm dumped almost two feet of snow over Philadelphia and the region, it’s the perfect time for homeowners, renters and business owners to review their responsibilities when it comes to clearing their sidewalks after a snowstorm. Think no one’s watching if you…

Airline passengers finally getting some real rights

You’ve heard those horrific stories in recent years about airline passengers whose flights sit on airport taxiways or gates aprons for hours because the planes are waiting for the weather to improve or for an arrival gate to open up. You’ve heard about the problems as the planes just sit there for hours on end…