Birth Injuries: What is a Hypoxic Brain Injury?
Hypoxic brain injury occurs when the brain is deprived of oxygen for too long. The brain is highly sensitive to oxygen deprivation, and even just a few minutes can cause brain cells to die. When brain death occurs, the body can suffer from cardiac arrest, loss of life functions, dangerously low blood pressure and other life-threatening conditions.
Medical Malpractice Liability
When complications during delivery result in such a condition, you may be able to recover compensation.
Did your doctor fail to induce labor when appropriate? Should your doctor have performed an emergency c-section? Were you given adequate oxygen during delivery to help support the oxygen level of your baby? A hypoxic brain injury attorney can provide you with the support you need to successfully file a lawsuit against the negligent party.
Contact a Philly Brain Injury Lawyer Today
MyPhillyLawyer: 215-227-2727 (Local) or (866) 352-4572 (Toll-Free)
MyPhillyLawyer–practice birth injury law.