Philadelphia Lyft Accident Attorneys

Experienced Philadelphia Lawyers Help Those Injured in a Lyft-Related Accident

Ridesharing is popular in Philadelphia. Even as Lyft added surcharges for Philadelphia-area rides, including rides to the airport, demand soared between 2021 and today.

In Philadelphia, Lyft use is widespread in low-income areas. A recent article in The Philadelphia Inquirer notes that 60 percent of Lyft rides in Philly start or end in the city’s low-income neighborhoods. In most major cities, that number is closer to 40 percent. 

Lyft’s attempts to connect Philadelphia with grocery stores, job sites, and other essentials are boosting the number of rides in the city. As more Lyft vehicles hit the streets, however, the risk of a crash also increases.

If you’ve been injured in a Lyft accident, don’t wait. Reach out to an experienced Philadelphia Lyft accident lawyer today. The team at MyPhillyLawyer is here for a free consultation

Lyft Accident Statistics

Currently, Lyft is the US’s second most popular rideshare app after Uber. Lyft handles about one-third of all rideshare trips in the US. For passengers who want a non-Uber option, Lyft is often the next choice. It’s also popular among passengers who find Lyft a convenient way to get to work and run errands in Philadelphia.

Lyft handled about 80 million rides in 2022, the last year for which the company has complete statistics available. Many Lyft riders are regulars. They use Lyft at least once a month. 

Each month, Lyft gives rides to about 20 million people. Most of these regular riders are in major cities, including Philadelphia. Lyft’s rideshare statistics indicate that those who live in big cities are more than twice as likely to use ridesharing services as rural dwellers. 

Together, Uber and Lyft provide about 36 million rides in the Philadelphia area each year. Each of these trips poses a risk of a crash or other serious injury. While most drivers and riders travel safely, some face severe injuries in collisions. 

Does Ridesharing Make the Roads More Dangerous?

For some passengers, Lyft feels safer than driving. When someone needs a ride but doesn’t have a license, doesn’t have a safe vehicle, has been drinking or doing drugs, or just doesn’t feel confident driving, relying on a Lyft driver can seem like a smart choice. 

Often, for these drivers, Lyft is a better choice than attempting to drive themselves. Yet this doesn’t mean ridesharing is safer than driving overall. 

The number of rideshare drivers on the road may be driving up the number of serious crashes annually. In one study, researchers linked increased use of ridesharing apps to a 3 percent increase in fatal car accidents.

Why do more Lyft vehicles on the road mean more crashes? Researchers pointed to several different causes: 

  • Lyft rides add vehicles to traffic. Most people who take a Lyft wouldn’t drive themselves. They’d walk, bike, or take the bus. When these riders choose Lyft instead, a Lyft driver takes to the streets – adding more traffic where there wasn’t before and increasing the risk of a crash.
  • Lyft is more popular in bad weather. Lyft ride demand increases in rainy or snowy weather when people who would otherwise walk or bike decide they’d rather travel inside a vehicle. The risk of car accidents also increases in bad weather. 
  • Lyft drivers tend to stay on the road even when they don’t have a passenger. To respond to a ride request quickly, Lyft drivers have to be on the road or nearby – such as in a parking lot in a busy area. Their presence adds traffic as well, which can increase the risk of a crash. 

Ridesharing can be the safest option for some people. As more rideshare vehicles take to the streets, however, they can also make the roads more dangerous by increasing the number of places a crash can occur. 

What Compensation Can I Get After a Lyft Crash in PA?

Many Lyft passengers, pedestrians, and others are injured in Lyft crashes through no fault of their own. There was nothing you could do to predict, prevent, or avoid the crash – yet now you must deal with a serious injury. 

Compensation seeks to repay you for the losses suffered from your injury. Common types of compensation in Lyft accident claims include:

  • Coverage for medical costs, including ambulance bills, hospital bills, surgeries, medical equipment and medications, and therapy or rehabilitation. 
  • Lost wages if your injury prevents you from working. If your injuries are so severe you can never work again, you may be able to recover lost future wages as well.
  • Lost or damaged property costs from the crash. For instance, if a Lyft driver collides with your vehicle, you may be able to recover repair or replacement costs. 
  • Compensation for the pain and suffering you experienced during and after the crash. 

Pennsylvania limits the time you have to file a compensation claim. In Pennsylvania, you have two years from the date of the accident or injury to file your claim. If you don’t file within two years, you cannot bring your claim to court. 

Talk to a dedicated Philadelphia rideshare accident lawyer as soon as possible after a crash. Even if you think you’ve already missed the two-year deadline, reach out today. A lawyer can tell you exactly how the two years should be calculated and what you can do if your time has run out. 

Handling a Lyft Collision Claim Can Be Tough

Lyft claims are often more complicated than ordinary car accidents. In an ordinary car accident, the parties may be limited to the respective drivers and their insurance companies. If a car hits a bicyclist or pedestrian, only the driver, the injured person, and one insurance company may be involved.

When a Lyft crash occurs, though, the people involved add up quickly:

  • The Lyft driver,
  • Any passengers in the Lyft vehicle,
  • A driver and passengers if the Lyft collides with another vehicle,
  • Insurance companies for the Lyft driver and their passenger,
  • Insurance companies for anyone else involved in the crash and
  • Lyft itself.

In an ordinary car accident, auto insurance covers many types of costs associated with the crash – things like medical bills and car repairs. 

Lyft requires its drivers to have auto insurance policies to drive for Lyft. Yet the Lyft driver’s insurance may not be the first line of coverage in a Lyft crash. Lyft also provides insurance coverage for Lyft rides. 

When Lyft’s coverage applies, however, depends on the facts of the crash. For example, limited coverage applies through Lyft when a driver is actively looking for a ride but hasn’t accepted one yet. More coverage applies when a Lyft driver has a passenger in the vehicle. 

Having extra insurance options can sound like better protection in a crash. In fact, more insurance policies often mean more paperwork, delays, and headaches in getting compensation. Insurance companies will often fight to pass costs to one another, leaving you with a stack of bills – and no one stepping up to pay them. When this happens, an experienced lawyer can be your best ally in getting the compensation you need.

What to Do After a Lyft Crash in Philly

If you’re involved in an accident involving a Lyft:

  • Think safety first. Get yourself and others out of the way of traffic if possible. Vehicle lights, flashlights, and brightly-colored or reflective objects can all be used to alert oncoming traffic to the crash area.
  • Call 911. Call 911 for help at the crash site. A 911 call is especially important if anyone is injured. 
  • Gather information. If you can, take photos and talk to witnesses at the crash site. Drawing a diagram or just writing down what you remember right away can help later as well. 
  • Get medical attention. If you’re injured, get medical care immediately. See a doctor as soon as possible, even if you think you’re not hurt. Some car accident injuries aren’t obvious until the shock of the crash wears off, which can take hours or even days.
  • Stick to the facts. When you speak to police, doctors, and insurance companies, focus on what you remember: what you saw, heard, and felt just before, during, and after the crash. Provide facts like your name and address as well. Avoid making any judgments, like “I was at fault” or “My Lyft driver messed up.” Wait for all the facts to come out first. 

Finally, speak to an experienced Lyft accident lawyer as soon as possible. Many Philadelphia-area Lyft crash lawyers, including the team at MyPhillyLaw, offer free consultations. 

Why should you talk to a lawyer right away?

  • A lawyer can help you understand what happened. It’s tough to see the full picture while you’re trying to recover from the shock and injuries of a crash. Your lawyer can do the work to get all the facts. 
  • A lawyer can protect your rights. Many insurance companies send their lawyers to the scene of a crash right away. These lawyers are looking for facts and evidence that prove the insurance company shouldn’t have to pay for your losses. A lawyer on your side can help you gather the evidence that proves you should receive that compensation. 
  • A lawyer can answer your questions. Many people have never been to court or dealt with an injury claim before a crash happens. A lawyer can answer your questions. Even if you’ve been to court before, this case is different than any other case. A lawyer can help you manage what’s in front of you. 

If you’ve been injured in a Lyft crash in Philadelphia, don’t wait. Talk to the team at MyPhillyLawyer today. Contact us to schedule a free, confidential consultation with an experienced Philadelphia Lyft accident lawyer.

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