Your success is our top priority.
Is someone looking out for your best interests? If not, we will. We understand that the effects of an injury can last for years and that you need financial and legal support to help you move forward with your life. Our approach has helped us recover millions of dollars in compensation for auto accident victims.
Philadelphia Motorcycle Accident Lawyers
Pennsylvania motorcycle accidents are increasingly common. Bikers are at an increased risk of injuries and even death in an accident. The lack of physical protections contributes to the severity of motorcycle crashes.
Both bikers and drivers have to stay alert and vigilant of their surroundings to keep everyone safe. However, it is often the drivers who are at fault for causing a motorcycle wreck. This is backed up by data. According to national statistics, 96 percent of fatal motorcycle wrecks involve a motorcycle hitting a vehicle. Drivers often fail to notice motorcycles. Instead, their focus and attention are on other cars or even distractions like cellphones or vehicle passengers. Consequently, motorcycle accidents are likely to result in significant injuries – head injuries, spinal cord injuries and other serious injuries, often leading to death.
Motorcycle Accident Statistics
According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were 6,218 motorcyclists killed in 2022, accounting for 15% of all traffic fatalities.
When comparing per vehicle miles traveled in 2022, motorcyclists were found to be 22 times more likely to die and 4 times more likely to be injured in a motor vehicle crash than passenger vehicle occupants.
In 2022, there were:
- 6,218 motorcyclist fatalities
- 42% of motorcycle fatalities were riders who were alcohol-impaired
- Only 67% of dot-compliant motorcycle helmets were used
In the state of Pennsylvania, there were:
- 798,764 licensed motorcyclists in 2022
- 373,137 of those motorcyclists had registered motorcycles
- In 2022, there were 13,434 students trained in the Motorcycle Safety Program
Pennsylvania Helmet Laws
Pennsylvania law requires anyone that operates or rides a motorcycle to wear a helmet unless they are over the age of 21 and have either two years of riding experience or a completed motorcycle safety course. Motorcyclists with learner’s permits must wear a helmet no matter what age they are. And, motorcycle passengers do not have to wear helmets if they are 21 years old or older. Moreover, motorcycle helmets must meet standards approved by the United States Department of Transportation.
Wearing a helmet reduces the severity of a head injury and can save lives. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) says that over 1,600 bikers are saved every year because they were wearing a proper helmet. Studies have found that helmets reduce the risk of death by 37-42 percent.
Motorcycle Accident Causes
It is a common misconception that motorcycle riders are aggressive and irresponsible. Often motorcycle wrecks are caused by drivers. Vehicle miles traveled by motorcycles reveal that bikers are killed 27 times more often than motorists. This is further supported by data that shows that motorcyclists are killed 38 times more often than occupants of cars.
Motorcyclists do not cause a large number of accidents. In the aftermath of motorcycle accidents, drivers admit that they did not see the biker. Motorcycles are often invisible to drivers.
The frequency and severity of motorcycle accidents across Pennsylvania have prompted the government and state police to work to reduce this trend. The ad campaign “Share the Road with Motorcycles” aims to educate drivers to watch out for bikers. Live Free Ride Alive is operated by the state and seeks to inform the public about motorcycle figures, fact, training programs, permits and license tests. Nevertheless, accidents still happen.

Most Common Motorcycle Injuries
Motorcycle accidents frequently result in severe injuries, or even death, to the biker and their passenger(s). Motorcycles lack the same protections offered by vehicles. Therefore, bikers often sustain serious injuries. The most common injuries from motorcycle wrecks include, but are not limited to:
Broken bones
Fractured bones
Torn muscles
Ruptured tendons

Severe bruising
Head injuries
Eardrum injuries
Facial injuries
Spine injuries
Slipped disk
Severed spinal cord
Motorcycle Accident Compensation
In Pennsylvania, you are required to have motorcycle insurance. However, motorcycle insurance is a little different from car insurance.
Generally, motorcycle insurance does not cover medical expenses suffered in an accident, regardless of who is to blame. That means your bills will go to your health insurance company, and the rest of the costs will pass to you. This does not limit you from seeking compensation for your injuries and damages from the at-fault person. However, if you were at fault for the accident, you will need to pay for your medical and damage expenses. Now, if you were partly at fault, you may still be eligible to recover a portion of your damages.
MyPhillyLawyer aggressively pursues all negligent parties following a motorcycle accident. Did a car turn left illegally in front of the motorcycle? Did your city neglect to warn of dangers such as sharp curves? Was the motorcycle engine defective? Was your bike rear-ended? Whatever caused the accident, we will find out who was responsible and work to obtain compensation from them to help our clients cope with injury and loss.
Our Record of Success: Verdicts & Settlements
These are just examples of the injury cases we successfully handle every year. Our Philadelphia law firm recovers millions of dollars annually for clients.
Birth injury causing brain damage0MILLION
Brain injury from ATV accident0MILLION
Tractor Trailer collision resulting in death0MILLION
Shattered hip, high-impact car crash0MILLION
Car crash resulting in shattered hipContact a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
Being involved in a motorcycle accident is a frightening experience. The stress associated with recovery, medical bills and job security is hard to deal with. Know that you are not alone.
Our team at MyPhillyLawyer will aggressively seek out all negligent parties involved in your accident. We will work to obtain the compensation you deserve for damages and injuries. At MyPhillyLawyer, we collectively have over 100 years of legal experience. We have your back. Contact our office at 215-227-2727.