

宾夕法尼亚州东南部运输管理局(SEPTA)的一名乘客在乘坐 Philadelphia 的 SEPTA 公交车时肩部受伤,最近获得了 $ 20 万的判决。

MyPhillyLawyer 的 Dean Weitzman 律师讨论导致 Philadelphia 居民严重受伤的 SEPTA 交通事故

Weitzman律师表示,SEPTA司机违反红灯和停车标志是造成伤害的原因之一 在FOX 29最近的一段节目中,MyPhillyLawyer的人身伤害律师Dean Weitzman讨论了鲁莽的公交车司机是如何在整个Philadelphia无视交通信号,从而将无数生命置于危险之中的。"司机们需要理解并真正认识到他们有...


场所责任诉讼,也称为滑倒索赔,可能会有多种不同的结果。这听起来似乎不言自明,但回顾一下 Philadelphia 和其他案件中的近期案例,就会发现这些案件的复杂性。漫长的裁决等待 本可以迅速解决的滑倒索赔案有时却一拖再拖。例如,美国铁路公司(Amtrak)的一名工人...
宾夕法尼亚州东南部运输管理局(SEPTA)的一名乘客在乘坐 Philadelphia 的 SEPTA 公交车时肩部受伤,最近获得了 $ 20 万的判决。

SEPTA 出了什么问题?

Philadelphia’s main provider of public transportation service, the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) carries millions of passengers each year. Serving Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia counties, SEPTA operates buses, trolleys, trackless trolleys (trolley buses), subways and commuter rail lines. The mass transit operation is the sixth largest in the United States in terms of…
Philadelphia 车祸律师


最近的研究表明,服用辉瑞公司生产的广受欢迎的勃起功能障碍药 "伟哥 "与致命的皮肤癌黑色素瘤之间存在联系。有关这项研究的文章强调,没有证据表明服用伟哥会导致黑色素瘤,只是说两者之间存在联系。从 "伟哥 "到黑色素瘤的研究路径...

TVM/Bladder Sling 诉讼向前推进

There have been more than 60,000 lawsuits filed over transvaginal mesh (TVM) and bladder slings, medical device products that are used to address stress urinary incontinence in women. Devices are made of strips of surgical mesh and are inserted through one incision in the vagina and two in the abdomen. The plaintiffs in the lawsuits…
hernia mesh injury attorney


Complications from transvaginal mesh surgery cause serious physical injuries to women, including infections, significant pain, urinary problems, prolapse recurrence and incontinence. But the story doesn’t end there. Take, for example, Debbie. Debbie is a woman from Seattle, Washington, who was forced to cancel her wedding because she could not have sex without immense pain. “Because…